The ’R’ word is everywhere you look these days, but it’s not just about newspapers, tins and bottles. With a little effort you can recycle a whole lot more than you probably realise.

  • Printer ink cartridges can be reused. Lots of companies and charities specialise in recycling them. Or you can buy refill kits that save the effort (and a lot of money).
  • Concentrated products use less packaging gram for gram and usually work out cheaper.
  • Supermarkets encourage us to reuse our bags - why not extend the idea to all of your shopping!
  • Save teabags for a second round, you’d be surprised how much is left in them. After that, put them on the compost heap instead of in the bin.
  • Sell or recycle your old CDs, tapes or records
  • Instead of throwing out unwanted clothes, throw a clothes-swapping party with friends. It’s fun and you might end up with a whole new wardrobe.
  • Donate anything left over to charity shops.
  • Find out what your carbon footprint is and make an effort to reduce it within a certain period - then you can see the difference your efforts have made.

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